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Colon Clens                                                                                            Bahasa Malaysia


All Natural American Colon Cleansing Botanical Beverage That Is SAFE, FAST, EFFECTIVE and Has No Side Effect!!

The Major Function of the Colon

The small intestine is where the most extensive digestion occurs, and the large intestine (or colon) is responsible for the absorption of water and excretion of solid waste material. It is the sewage system of the body. Within these intestines live trillions of bacteria and organisms (gut microflora) that complete the digestion of our food. The health of these flora can become impaired by temperature, illness, antibiotics and other drug treatments, as well as changes in our diet.

Why Do You Need Colon Cleansing?

Toxin build up in the colon contributes to over 90% of various health problems, including frequent tiredness, sluggish memory, bad breath, water retention, skin breakouts and premature aging. The accumulation of these toxins slows down our body’s metabolism and causes unnecessary weight gain.

Some Symptoms of a Toxic Colon:

• IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
• Constipation
• Skin Break Outs or Blemished Skin
• Diarrhea
• Gas or Bloating
• Insomnia
• Allergies or Sinus Problems
• Bad Breath or Body Odour
• Loss of Energy
• An Overworked Liver

• Poor Nutrient Absorption
• 5 to 15 pounds that you just cannot work off? That's not fat, you know
• Pain in the Abdomen, Rectum or Anus
• Loose Stools
• The Feeling of Incomplete Emptying of the Rectum
• Passing of Blood with Stool
• Passing of Mucus (slime) from the Rectum
• The Appearance of a Lump at the Anus
• Colitis (Inflammation of the Colon)
• Piles
• Cancer of the Bowel

THE 3RD MOST COMMON CAUSE OF CANCER Death In Malaysia Is Colon Cancer.

Traditional wisdom about health improvement prefers to talk about vitamins and nutrition. These are important, but without a healthy, functional colon, vitamins and other nutrients may be flushed down the toilet without being absorbed as many people are rotting from the inside out because:

1. They continue to ingest toxic substances, including caffeine, large amounts of sugar,
    refined flour, aspartame, hydrogenated fats, deep fried food and micro-waved food.
2. They do not eat enough healthy food or drink enough water.
3. They have compacted faecal matter in their colon.

According to the Merck Manual, the medical industry's standard text for the diagnosis and treatment of disease, colon degeneration is increasing at an alarming rate. The following are its figures for diverticulosis in people over 45 years old:

Years   Percentage
1950   10%
1955   15%
1972   30%
1987   Almost 50%
2008   Explosively high as devitalized and refined foods are the Norm of the day.
  The importance of having a clean colon is best described by Dr Norman Walker, the author of ‘Colon Health’ who stated,

"The very best of diets can be no better than the very worst, if the sewage system of the colon is clogged with a collection of waste and corruption."

He goes on to say,

"There are two crimes against nature that civilization indulges in:
1) constipation, and
2) eating devitalized and refined foods


Today, over ninety percent of Americans are walking around with clogged colons (US Health Service).
Colon Cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States
(American Health Foundation, April 1998)

Malaysians are likely not too far behind. Data from the Ministry of Health, Malaysia confirms an increase in colorectal cancer, which is mainly due to inherited susceptibility and environmental factors. It is the 3rd most common cause of cancer deaths in Malaysia.

Here’s the simple TRUTH! Discover the facts about why your colon is so important to your health and do something about it. Understand what goes into processed food and fast food and what it is doing to you. We all would be healthier if everyone understood the importance of a clean colon.

“Its Time for Your Colon Tune-Up"

You probably spend a lot of money keeping your car running smoothly. If you were to put a "bad" tank of petrol into your car, it would become sluggish and not perform properly. So what do we do with our vehicles? We take them in for regular maintenance or ‘tune-ups’.

The mechanic changes the filters, changes the oil and cleans the gunk out of your car's engine. You (and all of us) put much more than just ‘gunk’ into our bodies. A colon cleanse is the ONLY way to clean YOUR exhaust. It is your ‘tune-up’ so you can perform and run more effectively.

But, be warned. Just because there is ‘gunk’ in your engine DOES NOT mean you should pour a gallon of bleach into your petrol tank to get rid of it! Sometimes the ‘fix’ can be as harmful as the problem. There are safe, non-chemical, natural ways to clean your engine (colon). So clean your colon naturally and safely with dietary fibre and a natural formula specifically designed to detoxify and loosen intestinal build up!

The Benefits of Orifera Colon Clens!

Orifera Colons Clens is an American botanical beverage (USFDA Registration No. 15814660976) specially formulated to remove and prevent toxin build up for a healthier colon. It uses natural dietary fibre or 'roughage' and other safe, plant-based ingredients to cleanse and maintain good colon health.

What is Dietary Fibre?

Dietary fibre, which can be water soluble or insoluble, is a complex mixture of plant materials that are resistant to breakdown (digestion) by the human digestive system.

Insoluble fibre ‘bulks up’ waste and moves it through the colon more rapidly, preventing constipation and possibly colon cancer. A healthy bowel movement should take only two minutes for complete elimination. There should be firm, odourless and light-coloured stools (unless you have eaten beets or greens) that float on the water.

Soluble fibre dissolves in the gut to form a viscous gel that slows down the release of some nutrients, particularly glucose, into the bloodstream; it is therefore good for diabetics. It can also reduce the risk of heart disease by reducing blood cholesterol levels.

Fibre is also helpful to weight watchers since it takes up space in the stomach, making us feel full, and therefore reducing food intake.

Finally, dietary fibre acts like a ‘colon broom’, scrubbing the colon, creating bulk, releasing putrefactive toxins from the sides of the intestines and colon, and acting as an intestinal lubricant. It cleanses the colon by eliminating and neutralizing toxins, excessive mucus and congestion from the body as well as encouraging the growth of healthy, ‘friendly’ intestinal bacteria that are helpful in regulating bowel movements. Dietary fibre is not a nutrient but it is nevertheless an important component of our diet. The fact that it passes through the body without being absorbed is the main reason why fibre is important.

ORIFERA COLON CLENS effectively helps to loosen intestinal build up, which aids in the release of unwanted waste materials and toxic substances in your colon. Left in your colon, these can poison your body, cause damage to your organs and lead to many dangerous and degenerative diseases. Since Colon Clens contains no drugs, it does not affect the ‘friendly’ bacteria that are needed for proper digestion and intestinal health.

The results are a healthier colon, improved digestion and absorption of nutrients, less bloating, a flatter belly, an enhanced immune system and increased resistance to many degenerative diseases.

Oat Fibre   Adds needed fibre, reduces inflammation
Polydextrose   Removes stubborn toxins, mercury, lead and heavy metals
Psyllium husk   Removes 25 times its weight in waste
Maltodextrin   Removes over 2,000 known harmful chemicals
Psyllium seed and husk   Reduces inflammation
Lemon juice extract   Contains a natural cleansing and laxative oil
Stevia leaf extract   Removes toxic waste, reduces inflammation
Permitted food conditioner   Orifera's Colon Clens is free from salt, yeast, gluten, artificial flavouring and artificial colouring


If You Are Keen About Colon Cleansing and Feeling Healthier, You MUST Try Orifera Colon Clens

Genuine Customer Testimony Terrific!

I feel healthier and find it easier to defecate everyday! I drank the product to let it clean out my system.
The first few days were quite amazing. Thanks for Colon Clens.

Kenny Yeoh

Colon Clens
Dear Friends,
  Do you know good health starts with good colon's health !? 


RM 66.00 / 15sachets x 15gram / Per Box
Orders within Malaysia will arrive 1 - 4 days after payment is received

USFDA Reg No: 16484582066 
Approved by the Ministry of Health, Malaysia

Order Now ! 

Recommended Dosage: To take 1 sachet a day, mixes with a cup of lukewarm water, stirs and drink before retiring for the night. Do so for a cycle of 7 days and repeat the process quarterly.

Please note: ORIFERA Colon Clens help to clean up the clot Colons, it contains dietary fibre that help smoothen the process. Many problems of our bodies are related to clot Colons, a smooth passage in the colons ensure a smooth passage of human waste that may be harmful to our bodies.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Seek the advice of a competent health care professional for your specific health concerns. Individual results may vary.